Athletes (individual and team sports)
& Performers (arts, dance, music, entertaiment)

  1. Who want to develop their potential

  2. Who want to sharpen their concentration skills

  3. Who want to learn how to manage their levels of tension

  4. Who want to increase their levels of confidence

  5. Who want to boost their motivation

  6. Who want to sharpen their technique

  7. Who are hesitating whether they want to continue with their sport or careers

  8. Who want to learn how to cope with expectations from others

  9. Who are dealing with conflict within a team or club or with a trainer

  10. Who want to learn how to deal with pre-competitive anxiety

  11. Who are struggling with temporary or permanent changes in ability due to injury or illness

  12. Who are experiencing stress due to private matters

  13. Who want to learn how to prepare for major competitions / championships

  14. Who are struggling with eating / health habits

  15. Who are not satisfied with their current performance

Coaches & Trainers

  1. Who want to learn how to inspire their athletes, students

  2. Who are having trouble communicating with their athletes, students

  3. Who want to incorporate mental skills in their training program

  4. Who want to know more about attentional styles

  5. Who want to learn how to reach their athletes, students better

  6. Who are faced with decreases in performance over a longer period of time

  7. Who want to know how to communicate more effectively with parents

  8. Who want to gain more confidence

  9. Who want to stimulate better communication within a team

  10. Who want to learn more about coping with injuries

  11. Who are struggling with decreased levels of discipline within their team

  12. Who are in conflict with their athletes, pupils

  13. Who want to incorporate visualization techniques in their training programs

  14. Who want to encourage talented individuals to develop their potential

  15. Who want to learn more about learning styles

Parents & Educators

  1. Who want to know how they can contribute to a child’s career

  2. Who are feeling powerless regarding decreased performances

   of a child, pupil

  1. Who want to know how they can encourage and stimulate

   their child or student

  1. Who want to know to what extent their involvement is needed in a child’s career

  2. Who want to be involved and communicate more with the coach

  3. Who want to know more about the general development of their child

  4. Who want to assist their child, pupil, student in learning how to concentrate better

  5. Who don’t understand their child’s fanaticism with their sport

  6. Who want their child, pupil, student to perform better

  7. Who want to know how they can boost their child’s, student’s, pupil’s confidence

  8. Who want to communicate better with their child, pupil, student

  9. Who feel powerless when they observe their child’s frustration or disappointment

  10. Who are afraid of stimulating their child in fostering unrealistic goals

  11. Who are at odds with the coach, club

  12. Who are having trouble ‘letting go’